Posted by pauly Labels: , , , , , ,

Just got through watching XPlay run down the top games for each system from E3. I mostly agree with their choices, except that they didn't mention MAG, but I think they were only going off of games that showed actual live gameplay, and not bullshot's.

Left 4 Dead looks really good, and it's a game I didn't mention in my previous post. There are actually a shit-ton of great games coming out late 2008 and early 2009 that I will have to prioritize and figure out which ones I can lay down some green on. Left 4 Dead is at the top of the list, unless I can convince the wife to let me get a PS3, in which case I will probably crawl my way back to MGS4, and finally play Uncharted: Drakes Fortune, which I have wanted to play ever since I saw the commercials.

Today, I cleaned up my home office and made sure that it included a TV with a know...for extra productivity.

That's all folks. Remember, tomorrow is Act III of Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog, and it's also Silva vs. Irwin on Spike TV. Gonna be a good day I think...yes...a good day.