Posted by pauly

So i'm only about 3 days into play Matrix Online, and I already know I won't play it past a month. The game isn't bad, don't get me wrong, and it's biggest pull is that it is an official continuation of the Matrix storyline, which is awesome in many ways. The problem with it is that it isn't as good as a lot of the other stuff out there.

The combat system is the biggest difference between MxO and other MMORPG's. It is innovative, it takes careful consideration of your actions and the potential actions of your opponents to be successful. It is also slow, clunky, and unintuitive. What should have been used to set MxO apart was an immersive storyline that makes you feel like your actions actually do make a difference, instead you get a generic storyline that just guides you through a story where your actions don't play a part in the greater plot.

MxO combines two of my least favorite aspects of MMO's: Grinding and Menus. The interface literally gets in the way of playing the game, and that's bad design. Monolith originally owned the game, before sony bought it, but that was 4 years ago and a lot of polish could have been heaped on this thing to make it worth playing.

To give you an idea of how bad it really is, I have started playing Puzzle Pirates as well, since MxO isn't holding my attention well enough. I think, that after this month is over, I will go back to WoW for a bit, since I at least know I like it.