Posted by pauly

A few months ago, I picked up UFC 2009 Undisputed.  I sucked pretty hard at it so I didn’t play it much until last week.  As a fighting game, it doesn’t have the pick up and play feeling of games like Street Fighter or Tekken.  It is almost impossible to button mash your way through the game, or to even play it without first going through the hour long tutorial.  The controls are robust, more robust than any other game I have ever played, with context sensitive moves for almost any situation, and separate buttons for each arm and leg of the fighter.

The Create a Fighter system is incredible, and it makes it fairly easy to faithfully recreate anyone you have ever met, if you are willing to put in the time.

I haven’t spent any time playing online matches yet, so I can’t really comment on that, but I should have more to say about this game when I do.  For now all I can say is that, if you are not a UFC fan, you may not be able to get into this game.  Definitely a game for the fans.  If you are unsure, I would put this one down as a rent.