Posted by pauly

My steam account has pointed out to me that I have spent 77 hours in the last 2 weeks playing Plants VS Zombies.  I figured that was enough of a reason to mention it here.

Plants VS Zombies, for those who don’t know, is a Popcap game, wherein some zombies have decided to eat your brains and the only thing keeping you alive is your garden.  Sounds like a weak premise I know, but it works.  My son is obsessed with it, often sitting on my lap to watch, and so I rarely close the game during the day, which is what really accounts for my 77 hours of play time.  That is (unfortunately) not my real play time.

Still, that’s not what I really wanted to talk about today.  What I wanted to talk about today is the Zombatar.  You can find it over at and it allows you to make Avatar’s for MSN, or Twitter, or Facebook, or Myspace, or whatever.  Avatars like:

Zombatar or Zombatar-1 or Zombatar-2

It also lets you send a Zombiegram to your mom if that’s your thing.

If you haven’t played Plants VS Zombies, I recommend it.  I noticed a friend playing it one day and figured I would try the demo, an hour later my demo was over and I was fishing out my credit card to buy one for myself and one for my wife.  I have rarely turned it off since.