Posted by pauly

Alright, so I have been seriously negligent of this blog as of late…and by “as of late” I mean pretty much since I started it.  It is no longer really the geek-a-day project, and more like the geek-a-year project, and I apologize to the 2 readers I think I may have had at one point.

So, to catch up, I still play games, I still work, still have a kid, wife, some pants I think, two cats, a rabbit, a hamster.  That’s all you are going to get for a catch up, because there are some other things that I need to be talking about.

  1. Street Fighter 4
  2. Left4Dead
  3. World of Warcraft

For those not in the know, I am a Street Fighter fanatic.  I have been playing since SF2 on the SNES, and I love it.  LOVE IT!  Street Fighter 4, as far as I am concerned, is the best iteration of the game to come out so far.  It is incredible, and the online match-making might be the reason for it.  It has never been so easy to find someone who is better than you to beat your ass unmercifully.  Good Times.

I still play Left4Dead, but I play it on the 360 now much more than on the PC.  Part of the reason for that is that my PC died and I couldn’t play it on there for a while, and part of it is that it is just a better game on the 360.  That might just be for me.  My PC Graphics card is sub-par, so the game looks like crap on the PC compared to on the 360.  More on this in a future post.

I downloaded WoW today, and activated my 10 day trial.  I am going to see how far into Northrend I can get, and let you all know how it goes.

Also: I am using Window’s Writer for my blog posts now.  I have it so that it opens on startup, which will hopefully remind me to post more often.